Furquently Asked Questions
Does my corgi need to be trained to race?
Nope! As long as they’re happy and friendly, they can participate. Some run fast, some waddle, and some just stop to sniff—it’s all part of the fun!
Do I need 2 people to participate in a race?
Yes! Each racing corgi needs to bring two adult humans along for the race; one is the anchor and the other is the lead.
Can I bring children with me?
Yes! Children of all ages are welcome to come to corgi races! We do not recommend bringing small children (5 and under) onto the track for safety reasons. They can absolutely be a spectator and watch all the fun with a trusted family member/friend. Older children (10 +) are welcome to take part on the track, provided they are accompanied by an adult who will handle the corgi (releasing them when the emcee says “go”). There may be an additional cost for your child, depending on the event. For safety reasons, we ask that all children avoid being on the finish line to catch dogs during the race. Fewer people on the finish line helps the dogs race safely and ensures spectators have a clear view of the race results.
Where do the races take place?
Our races are held in Calgary, Alberta. Check our How to Get Here page for event details!
Does my corgi or corgi-mix need to be spayed or neutered?
Yes, we ask all racing doggos to be spayed or neutered so we can avoid any accidental tomfoolery on the racetrack.
Can I come just to watch?
Absolutely! Spectators are welcome—bring your family, friends, and lots of cheers for the racing corgis!
How old does my corgi or corgi-mix need to be in order to race?
We ask that all doggos be at least 6 months old in order to help protect their growing bones. We take ALL ages!
Will dogs be grouped according to their age or their weight?
Yep! We take both the doggo’s age, breed, weight, and sometimes height into account when placing them in each heat. There will be a corgi-mix heat and possibly a senior heat too.
Will the dogs wear anything while they race?
Yes, we will provide coloured race tie for each doggo, at PetFest at Spruce Meadows. For the Masters event, we will use official bandanas. For Century Downs we do not need coloured race bandanas or ties.
How do the races work?
Please see our How the Races Work page.
How many dogs per heat?
We can have a maximum of 10 dogs per heat! Heats may have less pups depending on how many participants we have.
When will I know if my dog has been confirmed to race?
After you click submit on the Google Form you will receive an email receipt of your response. For Century Downs, they take on the registration so as long as you have emailed your registration to the correct email address cdr.marketing@cnty.com you are accounted for. We do post regularly on the Calgary Corgi Racers Group on Facebook prior to all events so please watch for that.
I arrived to the race location. Now what do I do?
You must check in with one of the organizers/volunteers and we will tell you your heat and racer position (colour). Thanks in advance for being flexible as there can be last minute changes. Thanks also in advance for not being one of the people making the last minute changes.
How long is the track?
50’ at PetFest (Calla Cup) Equiplex 100’ at Century Downs 75’ at Masters (Deloitte Ring) We mark out the start and finish line with rope.
Is there shade and water available?
Yup! For our summer events at Century Downs and At Spruce Meadows water stations and shade is available. You are definitely encouraged to bring your own water, bowl and other items.
Can I use something to lure my dog?
Corgi’s have their own personality and do what they want. Treats, toys, whatever you need… All things are totally allowed to help your pup cross the finish line!
Where do I find the e-tickets to Spruce events in my inbox?
We will post on the Facebook Group page that we have sent e – tickets closer to the event. Please check your inbox; we send the tickets to the email you provided us with when you registered on your Google Form. If it is not showing up, please check your spam folder before contacting us. Chances are, that’s where the email is.